House-07, Road-1/B, Nikunja-02, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
+880 1712 210169 : 01536 168913;

Fire Smoke Damper

Fire Smoke Damper

Prime Air Conditioning Industries LLC is amongst the leading Manufacturers in the GCC for the variety of HVAC products for more than a decade. … We are licensed manufacturers to major HVAC manufacturing giants such as SAFE-AIR DOWCO (USA), COMMERCIAL ACOUSTICS (USA) & SPIRO (Switzerland). Prime A/C is specialized to UL listed Fire & Smoke Damper.

Fire Damper
Fire Damper

Fire Damper

PRIME AEROVAC Fire Damper is designed Keeping in mind the safety of human life and property. The challenging demand is the most crucial of all faced by building planners, Fire Damper protect individual rooms or zones by sealing off and supply or extracts air, thus preventing the spread of fire or smoke through the central HVAC system of the building or the walls.

Prime AEROVAC Fire Damper are tested by UL Laboratories and are manufactured in compliance with the UL555 standards and the company quality control procedures.

The head responsive links (Fusible Link) on detection of heat bound 165F/212F release the blades from their position. These Fire Damper are rated up to 3 hours rating with low leakage. All dampers are manufactured in compliance with the UL 555 Standards.

Motorized Fire Smoke Damper
Motorized Fire Smoke Damper

Combination of Fire Smoke Damper

PRIME AEROVAC Fire & Smoke Damper is designed Keeping in mind the safety of human life and property. The challenging demand is the most crucial of all faced by building planners, Fire Damper protect individual rooms or zones by sealing off and supply or extracts air, thus preventing the spread of fire or smoke through the central HVAC system of the building or the walls.

Prime AEROVAC Fire Damper are tested by UL Laboratories and are manufactured in compliance with the UL555 & UL555s standards and the company quality control procedures.

These Fire & Smoke Damper are rated up to 3 hours rating with low leakage. All dampers are manufactured in compliance with the UL555 & UL555s Standards.